Hyde Park and Aragon Park Improvement Committee

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Updates 2006!






Polluted Promises Released
Anthropologist Melissa Checker worked in Hyde Park for fourteen months, while she was researching her dissertation in cultural anthropology.  The results of that research and her continued involvement in HAPIC are now available in the book Polluted Promises, released in August of 2005. 

Polluted Promises details the story of Hyde Park, its tenacious residents and their ongoing struggle for environmental justice. All proceeds from the sale of the book are donated to HAPIC to further their work in the community.  

Click to purchase a copy: Amazon, Barnes and Noble, NYU Press.

Book signing
There will be a book signing of Polluted Promises on May 21, 2006 at Hue-Man Bookstore in Harlem, New York.
Visit Hue-Man Bookstore for more information.

Brownfield Grant # 2
Approximately 15 monitoring wells will be installed on residential properties beginning in March. In addition, approximately 20 soil and ground water samples will be taken from residents' yards. This new round of testing is thanks to the 2nd EPA Brownfield Grant that Hyde Park received, several years ago.

Savannah's harambee house
In February, Arthur Smith took a number of youths from Hyde Park to Savannah Georgia to honor the dedicated environmental justice work of Dr. Mildred McClain of Savannah's Haramabee House. Not one to take all the credit and attention, herself, Dr. McClain and her organization also presented both Arthur Smith and Charles Utley with achievement awards.

Relocation summit
HAPIC is planning a Relocation Summit, to be held some time before the end of May. Summit attendees will discuss possibilities for accessing federal relocation funds.

The Mary L. Utley Center is finally getting some much-needed improvements, beginning with an exterior paint job.


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